Our Building Process
Here we will guide you through our build process. Whether it be a single-house build or an investors dream development opportunity - Longevity Homes will enable you to create your dream project suiting your budget, site-zone and lifestyle.

Any project will start with a conversation about your project goals. During your initial consultation with us, we consider the size, location, zone and features of your dream project. We will clarify any questions you may have about your project or the building process itself. We are here for you to discuss your ideas and will create an ideal building experience for you suited to your budget.

Customised House Plan
Depending on whether your project is a single house build, or a terraced-house development, we will custom design a house plan for you. In-house we will do preliminary design work to see what we can achieve with your section - any requests you have can be shared directly with us so we have the ideal starting point.

We Gain Council Consent
Our team of Project Managers and office personnel will engage all consultants required to gain Resource Consent (RC) and Building Consent (BC) for your project. The list of consultants is generally as follows:
Architect - We will work with the architect to design both RC and BC drawings of your dream project, to produce compliant plans and elevations that are ready to build. Any ideas or requests we will send through directly to the architect.
Civil Engineer - All underground services will be investigated to support the proposed build.
Geotechnical Engineer - Geotechnical Engineers will examine the ground of your site and how suitable it is to support the build.
Hydrant Testing - Sufficient hydrant flow to support the proposed build is required.
Landscape Architect - When the architectural drawings have been finalised, the Landscape Architect designs the site environment to be attractive and functional.
Planner - We keep in frequent contact with our Planner to ensure the proposed build is compliant and adheres to the Unitary Plan.
Surveyor - The surveyor will review the site - determining property boundaries and measuring the slope of the land.
Structural Engineer - to prepare for the build, the structural engineers will create drawings and review all measurements of the proposed structure to ensure a safe and functional build.
Traffic Engineer - when a carpark is required for the build, the traffic engineer will work to ensure that carparks are functional and that traffic flow entering and leaving the site is safe.
We keep communication open, and all documents are available for your viewing through the BuilderTrend software. Our project managers will record a daily site diary for your viewing - to keep you constantly in the loop with all happenings during the RC and BC process of your project.

Building Starts
After gaining Resource and Building Consent, your project is ready to undergo construction! Using our comprehensive scheduling system in the BuilderTrend software - we will ensure that all construction processes are carried out safely, efficiently and on time. As a client you will be able to view your projects schedule to keep track of each phase of your build. Through your client portal you will be updated with site diaries and images.